Package 'cmm'

Title: Categorical Marginal Models
Description: Quite extensive package for maximum likelihood estimation and weighted least squares estimation of categorical marginal models (CMMs; e.g., Bergsma and Rudas, 2002, <; Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars, 2009, <DOI:10.1007/b12532>.
Authors: W. P. Bergsma [aut], L. A. van der Ark [aut, cre]
Maintainer: L. A. van der Ark <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0
Built: 2025-03-08 02:13:18 UTC

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Categorical Marginal Models


Quite extensive package for maximum likelihood estimation and weighted least squares estimation of categorical marginal models (CMMs; e.g., Bergsma & Rudas, 2002; Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars, 2009


Package: cmm
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2023-08-08
License: GPL (>= 2)

The package contains principal functions for analyzing marginal models for categorical data. All functions are illustrated using examples from the book Marginal Models for Dependent, Clustered, and Longitudunal Categorical Data (Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars, 2009).

The package contains the following functions ConstraintMatrix DesignMatrix DirectSum JoinModels MarginalMatrix MarginalModelFit ModelStatistics SampleStatistics SpecifyCoefficient

The package contains the following data sets Antisemitism BodySatisfaction ClarenceThomas DutchConcern DutchPolitics ErieCounty EVS GSS93 LaborParticipation MarihuanaAlcohol NES NKPS NKPS2 Smoking

As of version 1.0, the option of maximum augmented empirical likelihood estimation (MAEL) estimation (Van der Ark et al., 2023), which is particularly useful for large data set. The following functions were added: Margins RecordsToFrequencies; the following data set was added acl; and the following function was updated: MarginalMatrix.


Wicher P. Bergsma Maintainer: L. Andries van der Ark [email protected].


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/b12532

Bergsma, W. P.& Rudas T. (2002). Marginal models for categorical data. The Annals of Statistics, 30, 1, 140-159. doi:10.1214/aos/1015362188

Van der Ark, L. A., Bergsma, W. P., & Koopman L. (2023) Maximum augmented empirical likelihood estimation of categorical marginal models for large sparse contingency tables. Paper submitted for publication.

Adjective Checklist Data


Scores of 433 students on 218 items from a Dutch version of the Adjective Checklist.




A 433 by 218 matrix containing integers. dimnames(acl)[[2]] are adjectives


Each item is an adjective with five ordered answer categories (0 = completely disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = completely agree). The respondents were instructed to consider whether an adjective described their personality, and mark the answer category that fits best to this description. The 218 items constitute 22 scales (see table); 77 items of the 218 items that constitute the ten scales were negatively worded. The negatively worded items are indicated by an asterisk in the dimnames and their item scores have been reversed. The Deference scale measures in fact the opposite of Deference.

Communality Items 1-10 Change Items 111-119
Achievement Items 11-20 Succorance Items 120-129
Dominance Items 21-30 Abasement Items 130-139
Endurance Items 31-40 Deference* Items 140-149
Order Items 41-50 Personal Adjustment Items 150-159
Intraception Items 51-60 Ideal Self Items 160-169
Nurturance Items 61-70 Critical parent Items 170-179
Affiliation Items 71-80 Nurturant parent Items 180-189
Exhibition Items 81-90 Adult Items 190-199
Autonomy Items 91-100 Free Child Items 200-209
Aggression Items 101-110 Adapted Child Items 210-218


Data were kindly made available by H. C. M. Vorst from the University of Amsterdam. The original Adjective Checklist was developed by Gough and Heilbrun (1980).


Gough, H. G., & Heilbrun,A. B. (1980) The Adjective Check List, Manual 1980 Edition. Consulting Psychologists Press.

Van der Ark, L. A. (2007) Mokken scale analysis in R. Journal of Statistical Software. doi:10.18637/jss.v020.i11


dat <- acl + 1   # CMM requires scores starting at 1.

Change in antisemitism after seeing a movie


A classical data set that has been used several times in the past, but not analyzed by means of the methods advocated in this book (Glock, 1955; Campbell & Clayton, 1961; Hagenaars, 1990, pp. 215-233, and Hagenaars, 1990, Section 5.3). The data are from a panel study among 503 white Christians living in and around Baltimore. The study's purpose was to determine the effect of seeing the film ‘Gentleman’s Agreement' on reducing the level of antisemitism (Glock, 1955, p. 243). Antisemitism was measured in November 1947 (variable AA) prior to the movie being locally shown and consisted of three categories : 1 = high, 2 = moderate, and 3 = low. Antisemitism was measured again in May 1948 (variable BB). In addition, the respondents were asked whether or not they had (voluntary) seen the movie, which had been shown in Baltimore theaters during the period between the two interviews (variable XX). The experimental group (with X=1X=1) consisted of those respondents who saw the movie; the control group (with X=2X=2) consisted of those who did not. The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 5.8).

Section 5.2.2 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 496 observations on the following three variables.


Seen the film (factor): 1 = Seen; 2 = Not seen;


Antisemitism at Time 1 (ordered): 1 = High; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Low.


Antisemitism at Time 2 (ordered): 1 = High; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Low.


Glock (1955).


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

Campell & Clayton (1961)

Glock (1955)

Hagenaars, 1990



## Sample marginal distributions
# at applied to data gives vectorized 2x2x3 table TXR (Time x Seen film or not x Response)
at <- MarginalMatrix(c("X","A","B"), list(c("X","A"), c("X","B")), c(2,3,3));
stats = SampleStatistics(
  dat = Antisemitism, 
  coeff = at, 
  Labels = c("T","X","R"), 
  CoefficientDimensions = c(2,2,3))

## Models for table XR given T

# at1 applied to data gives vectorized conditional 2x3 table XR (XR conditional on T<-1)
at1 <- MarginalMatrix(c("X", "A", "B"), list(c("X", "A")), c(2, 3, 3));
# at2 applied to data gives vectorized conditional 2x3 table XR (XR conditional on T<-2)
at2 <- MarginalMatrix(c("X", "A", "B"), list(c("X", "B")), c(2, 3, 3));

bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("X", "R"), list(c("X"), c("R")), c(2, 3));
bt2 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("X", "R"), list(c("X"), c("R")), c(2, 3));

model1 <- list(bt1, "log", at1);
model2 <- list(bt2, "log", at2);

# model1 doesn't converge, I don't know the reason and am trying to find out 
# (it does converge in the Mathematica programme).
fit = MarginalModelFit(
 dat = Antisemitism, 
 model = model2, 
 Labels = c("X","R"), 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(2,3), 

Body satisfaction for seven body parts


A group of 301 university students (204 women and 97 men) answered questions about their degrees of satisfaction with different parts or aspects of their body by completing the Body Esteem Scale (Franzoi & Shields, 1984; Bekker, Croon, & Vermaas, 2002). This scale consisted of 22 items (not counting the items concerning gender-specific body parts), seven of which will be considered here. These seven items loaded highest on the first unrotated principal component, with loadings higher than .70. Principal component analysis was used to discover whether the separate expressions of satisfaction with the different body aspects can be seen as just an expression of the general underlying satisfaction with the body as a whole or whether more underlying dimensions are needed (for the interested reader: two rotated factors were needed to explain the correlations among all the 22 items, one having to do with the general appearance of the body and the other with the satisfaction with the parts of one's face; the items chosen here all belong to the first factor.) The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 2.5, Table 2.7).

See Sections 2.2.2 and 3.1 of Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009).

Several worked examples involving this data set are listed below but more can be found at files/BodySatisfaction.R




A data frame with 301 observations on the following variables.


(factor): 0 = Male; 1 = Female.


(ordered): 1 = Very dissatisfied; 2 = Moderately dissatisfied; 3 = Slightly satisfied. 4 = Moderately satisfied. 5 = Very satisfied.


(ordered): see Thighs


(ordered): see Thighs


(ordered): see Thighs


(ordered): see Thighs


(ordered): see Thighs


(ordered): see Thighs


Bekker, Croon, & Vermaas (2002).


Bekker, M.H.J., Croon, M.A., & Vermaas, S. (2002). Inner body and outward appearance- the relationship between orientation toward outward appearance, body awareness and symptom perception. Personality and Individual Differences, 33, 213-225.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.

Franzoi, S.L. & Shields, S.A. (1984). The Body-Esteem Scale: Multidimensional structure and sex differences in a college population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 48, 173-178.



## Reproduction of Table 2.5 in Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars (2009)

## Table 2.6 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009). 
## Loglinear parameters for marginal table IS
## We provide two to obtain the parameters

## Reproduction of Table 2.7 in Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars (2009)
Table.2.7.male <- 
#standard deviations

## Not run: 
dat   <- BodySatisfaction[,2:8]        # omit first column corresponding to gender

# matrix producing 1-way marginals, ie the 7x5 table IS
at75 <- MarginalMatrix(var = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), 
  marg = list(c(1),c(2),c(3),c(4),c(5),c(6),c(7)), 
  dim = c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5))
# First method: the "coefficients" are the log-probabilities, 
# from which all the (loglinear) parameters are calculated
stats <- SampleStatistics(dat = dat, 
  coeff = list("log", at75), 
  CoefficientDimensions=c(7, 5),
  Labels=c("I", "S"),
  ShowCoefficients = FALSE,
  ShowParameters = TRUE)

 # Second method: the "coefficients" are explicitly specified as being the 
 # (highest-order) loglinear parameters
 loglinpar75 <- SpecifyCoefficient("LoglinearParameters", c(7,5) )
 stats = SampleStatistics(dat = dat, 
  coeff = list(loglinpar75, at75), 
  CoefficientDimensions = c(7, 5), 
  Labels = c("I", "S"))

## End(Not run)
#For further worked examples from the book, 
# see files/BodySatisfaction.R

Opinion on Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, two-wave panel study


Clarence Thomas was nominated in 1991 as member of the U.S. Supreme Court by President George H. W. Bush. The nomination provoked some public debate because of Clarence Thomas' race (black) and because of his allegedly extremely conservative social and political views. A panel of U.S.citizens was interviewed regarding their opinion on Clarence Thomas' candidacy during September 3-5 (A) and on October 9 (B). After the first wave, more precisely on September 25, a charge of sexual harassment was brought against Clarence Thomas by his former aide, Anita Hill. Source: CBS News and New York Times 2001.

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 5.6) and were also used in Bergsma & Croon (2005).

Section 5.2.1 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 991 observations on the following variables.


Opinion on Clarence Thomas during first wave, Sept 3-5, 1991 (factor): 1 = Favorable; 2 = Unfavorable; 3 = Undecided; 4 = Haven't heard enough;


Opinion on Clarence Thomas during second wave, Oct 9, 1991 (factor): 1 = Favorable; 2 = Unfavorable; 3 = Undecided; 4 = Haven't heard enough;


CBS News and New York Times 2001.


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. Berlin: Springer

Bergsma, W. P., & Croon, M. A. (2005). Analyzing categorical data by marginal models. In L. A. van der Ark, M. A. Croon, & K. Sijtsma (Eds.), New developments in categorical data analysis for the social and behavioral sciences. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.



## Marginal homogeneity: O1=O2

# at24 produces vectorized 2x4 table TR (Time x Response)
at24 <- MarginalMatrix(c("A", "B"), list(c("A"), c("B")), c(4, 4));

# marginal homogeneity
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("T", "R"), list(c("T"), c("R")), c(2, 4));
model1 <- list(bt1, "log", at24);

# only first two categories are equated
bt2 <- rbind(
   c(1, 0, 0, 0,  -1, 0, 0, 0),
   c(0, 1, 0, 0,   0,-1, 0, 0));
model2 <- c(bt2, "log", at24);

pi11 <- MarginalModelFit(ClarenceThomas, model1,
    MaxSteps = 500,
    ShowProgress = 20,
    MaxStepSize = .5,
    CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 4),
    Labels = c("T", "R"),
    Title = "Clarence Thomas data, MH");

## Marginal homogeneity: P1=P2
# P1 and P2 are O1 and O2 conditioned on not being in category 4

# at24 produces vectorized 2x4 table TR (Time x Response
at24 <- MarginalMatrix(c("A", "B"), list(c("A"), c("B")), c(4, 4));

# specify conditional probabilities using generalized exp-log notation
at1 <- rbind(c(1, 0, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0, 0), c(0, 0, 1, 0), c(1, 1, 1, 0));
at1 <- DirectSum(at1, at1);
at2 <- rbind(c(1, 0, 0, -1), c(0, 1, 0, -1), c(0, 0, 1, -1));
at2 <- DirectSum(at2, at2);
coeff <- list(list(diag(6), at2, at1), list("exp", "log", "identity"));

# marginal homogeneity
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("T", "R"), list(c("T"), c("R")), c(2, 3));

model1 <- list(bt1, coeff, at24);

pi11 <- MarginalModelFit(ClarenceThomas, model1,
    MaxSteps = 500,
    ShowProgress = 20,
    MaxStepSize = .5,
    CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3),
    Labels = c("T", "R"),
    Title = "Clarence Thomas data, MH");



Returns hierarchical model constraint matrix, i.e., nullspace of design matrix


ConstraintMatrix(var, suffconfigs, dim, SubsetCoding = "Automatic")



character or numeric vector containing variables


subvector or list of subvectors of var indicating the sufficient configurations or highest order interactions in model


numeric vector indicating the dimension of var (must be same length as var)


allows a (character) type or a matrix to be assigned to variables for each element of suffconfigs

, see examples


The model μij=α+βi+γj\mu_{ij}=\alpha+\beta_{i}+\gamma_j has parametric form and can equivalently be described using constraints on the μij\mu_{ij}, by μijμilμkj+μkl=0\mu_{ij}-\mu_{il}-\mu_{kj}+\mu_{kl}=0. Returns the transpose of the null space of DesignMatrix(var,marg,dim). Rows normally sum to zero. See DesignMatrix for more details.




W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, DesignMatrix, DirectSum, MarginalMatrix


# Constraint matrix for independence model
var <- c("A","B")
suffconfigs <- list(c("A"),c("B"))
dim <- c(3, 3)
# notation in one line

# Constraint matrix for saturated model, two short specifications giving same result

# Constraint matrix for univariate quadratic regression model
var <- c("A")
suffconfigs <- c("A")
dim <- c(5)
# notation in one line

# Constraint matrix for linear by nominal model, various methods:
# simplest method which assumes equidistant centered scores:
 var = c("A", "B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A", "B"),
 dim = c(3, 3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list("Linear", "Nominal")))
# alternative specification with same result as above:
 var = c("A", "B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A", "B"),
 dim = c(3, 3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list(rbind(c(-1, 0, 1)), rbind(c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 0)))))
# specifying your own category scores
scores <- c(1,2,5);
 var = c("A", "B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A", "B"),
 dim = c(3, 3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list(rbind(scores), "Nominal")))

# Constraint matrix for nominal by nominal model, equating parameters of 
# last two categories of second variable:
ConstraintMatrix(var = c("A", "B"), suffconfigs = c("A", "B"), dim = c(3,3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list("Nominal", rbind(c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 1)))))



Returns hierarchical model design matrix


DesignMatrix(var, suffconfigs, dim, SubsetCoding = "Automatic", MakeSubsets=TRUE)



character or numeric vector containing variables


subvector or list of subvectors of var indicating the sufficient configurations or highest order interactions in model


numeric vector indicating the dimension of var (must be same length as var)


allows a (character) type or a matrix to be assigned to variables for each element of suffconfigs

, see examples


boolean, indicates whether or not to use subsets of suffconfigs (used as option in MarginaMatrix)


The design matrix for a model μij=α+βi+γj\mu_{ij}=\alpha+\beta_{i}+\gamma_j, where ii and jj each have three possible values, would be: Designmatrix(c(1,2),list(c(1),c(2)),c(3,3)). For readability, the use of characters is recommended for variable names, e.g., Designmatrix(c("A","B"),list(c("A"),c("B")),c(3,3)). The probability vector is assumed to be a vectorized form of the probabilities in a table, such that the last variable changes value fastest, then the before last variable, etc. For example, the cells of a 2×32 \times 3 table are arranged in vector form as (11,12,13,21,22,23). To achieve this, the appropriate way to vectorize a data frame dat is using c(t(ftable(dat))).

The optional argument SubsetCoding is useful for e.g.\ specifying various regression models, a linear by nominal model, grouping categories of a variable, or omitting a category. SubsetCoding has default value "Automatic", which is the same as the value "Nominal". Other options are "Linear", "Quadratic", "Cubic", "Quartic", "Quintic", "Identity".\ The command ConstraintMatrix is often more useful than DesignMatrix for specification of models for use in SampleStatistics, ModelStatistics or MarginalModelFit.




W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, MarginalMatrix, DirectSum


# Design matrix for independence model
var <- c("A","B")
suffconfigs <- list(c("A"),c("B"))
dim <- c(3, 3)
# notation in one line

# Design matrix for saturated model, two short specifications giving same result

# Design matrix for univariate quadratic regression model
var <- c("A")
suffconfigs <- c("A")
dim <- c(5)
# notation in one line

# Design matrix for linear by nominal model, various methods:
# simplest method which assumes equidistant centered scores:
 var = c("A","B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A", "B"),
 dim = c(3,3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A","B"),list("Linear","Nominal")))
# alternative specification with same result as above:
 var = c("A", "B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A", "B"),
 dim = c(3, 3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A","B"),list(rbind(c(-1,0,1)),rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,1,0)))))
# specifying your own category scores
scores <- c(1,2,5);
 var = c("A","B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A","B"),
 dim = c(3, 3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A","B"), list(rbind(scores), "Nominal")))

# Design matrix for nominal by nominal model, equating parameters 
# of last two categories of second variable:
 var = c("A", "B"),
 suffconfigs = c("A","B"),
 dim = c(3,3),
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list("Nominal", rbind(c(1, 0, 0), c(0, 1, 1)))))



Returns the direct sum of two matrices.





List of one or more matrices


Standard mathematical direct sum operator.




W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, DesignMatrix, DirectSum


a <- matrix(1:12,3,4)
 DirectSum(a)     #returns a
 DirectSum(a,a)   #returns direct sum of a and a
 DirectSum(a,a,a) #returns direct sum of a, a and a

Concern about crime and social security in the Netherlands


Data from a trend study where two survey questions, regarding (i) concern about crime and (ii) concern about social security, were asked to randomly selected people in the Netherlands at ten different time points (November 1977 to July 1981). The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 4.1, Table 4.2).

Section 4.1 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 5742 observations on the following variables.


Concern about social security (ordered): 1 = No (big) problem; 2 = big problem; 3 = Very big problem.


Concern about crime (ordered): 1 = No (big) problem; 2 = big problem; 3 = Very big problem.


time points (factor): 1 = Nov 1977; 2 = Jan 1978; 3 = Jun 1978; 4 = Nov 1978; 5 = Mar 1979; 6 = Oct 1979; 7 = Apr 1980; 8 = Oct 1980; 9 = Dec 1980; 10 = Jan 1981.


Hagenaars (1990, p. 289) and Continuous survey, University of Amsterdam / Steinmetz Archives Amsterdam.


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. Berlin: Springer

Hagenaars, J. A. P. (1990). Categorical longitudinal data: Log-linear panel, trend, and cohort analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.



# Table 4.2
at1 = MarginalMatrix(c("S", "C", "T"), c("S", "T"), c(3, 3, 10));
print("Concern about social security:")
#apply(matrix(at1 %*% n, 10),1,function(x){100*x/sum(x)})
at2 = MarginalMatrix(c("S", "C", "T"), c("C", "T"), c(3, 3, 10));
print("Concern about crime:")
#apply(matrix(at2 %*% n, 10),1,function(x){100*x/sum(x)})

# Define and fit models for marginal table IRT (Section 4.1.1)

# atIRT %*% n produces IRT table, dimension 2x3x10
atIRT = MarginalMatrix(c("S", "C", "T"), list(c("S", "T"), c("C", "T")), c(3, 3, 10));
# bt1.Log(atIRT.pi)=0 is marginal model for independence of IT and R \
bt1 = ConstraintMatrix(c("I", "R", "T"), list(c("I", "T"), c("R")), c(2, 3, 10));
bt2 = ConstraintMatrix(c("I", "R", "T"), list(c("I", "T"), c("R", "T")), c(2, 3, 10));
bt3 = ConstraintMatrix(c("I", "R", "T"), list(c("I", "T"), c("I", "R")), c(2, 3, 10));
bt4 = ConstraintMatrix(c("I", "R", "T"), list(c("I", "T"), 
      c("I", "R"), c("R", "T")), c(2, 3, 10));

model1 = list(bt1, "log", atIRT);
model2 = list(bt2, "log", atIRT);
model3 = list(bt3, "log", atIRT);
model4 = list(bt4, "log", atIRT);

#  change model1 to model2 etc to fit different models
pi1 = MarginalModelFit(n, model4,
   ShowProgress = 5,
   CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3, 10),
   Labels = c("I", "R", "T"));

# Simultaneous model for marginal and joint distributions (Section 4.1.2)

# define x, the design matrix for the loglinear model of Eq. 4.1
x <- DesignMatrix(var = c("S","C","T"), 
                  suffconfigs = c("S","C","T"), 
                  dim = c(3,3,10), 
                  SubsetCoding = list(c("S", "C", "T"),list("Nominal","Nominal","Linear")))
# model6 is the simultaneous model
model6 <- list(model4, x);

# NB: when fitting model6 Labels and CoefficientDimensions should be appropriate 
# to get the right output # for table IRT, which is different than for model5
#pi5 = MarginalModelFit(DutchConcern, model6, ShowProgress = 5, 
# CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3, 10), Labels = c("I", "R", "T"), MaxSteps = 500, MaxStepSize=.2)

Political party and candidate preference in the Netherlands


The data come from a Dutch panel study (T1 = February 1977, T2 = March 1977) and concern the questions for which party the respondent intends to vote (variables A and B, respectively) and which candidate the respondent prefers to become the next Prime Minister (C and D). The data have been analyzed before (Hagenaars, 1986, 1988, 1990), and more information on the panel study and the outcomes may be obtained from these references.

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 6.1).




A data frame with 1100 observations on the following variables.


Party preference at time 1 (factor): 1 = Christian Democrats; 2 = Left wing; 3 = Other.


Party preference at time 2 (factor): 1 = Christian Democrats; 2 = Left wing; 3 = Other.


Candidate preference at time 1 (factor): 1 = Christian Democrats; 2 = Left wing; 3 = Other.


Candidate preference at time 2 (factor): 1 = Christian Democrats; 2 = Left wing; 3 = Other.


J. A. Hagenaars (1990). Categorical longitudinal data: log-linear, panel, trend, and cohort analysis. Newbury Park: Sage


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. Berlin: Springer

J. A. Hagenaars (1990). Categorical longitudinal data: log-linear, panel, trend, and cohort analysis. Newbury Park: Sage



# Marginal homogeneity: A=C and B=D
at2a <- MarginalMatrix(c("A","B","C","D"), list(c("A"), c("C")), c(3, 3, 3, 3));
at2b <- MarginalMatrix(c("A","B","C","D"), list(c("B"), c("D")), c(3, 3, 3, 3));
bt2 <- ConstraintMatrix(c(1,2), list(c(1),c(2)), c(2,3));
at2 <- rbind(at2a, at2b);
bt2 <- DirectSum(bt2, bt2);

model <- list(bt2, "identity", at2);

mpolMH <- MarginalModelFit(DutchPolitics, model,
    MaxError = 10.^-25,
    MaxSteps = 200,
    MaxStepSize = .5,
    StartingPoint = "Automatic",
    CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 2, 3),
    ShowProgress = 50);

Erie County political preference, two-wave panel


These data come from the first systematic panel study on voting, conducted by Lazarsfeld and his associates in Erie County, Ohio in 1940 (Lazersfeld et al, 1948; Lazarsfeld, 1972, Wiggins, 1973, Hagenaars, 1993). The data are presented in Table 6.3 and refer to the variables AAParty preference at time 1 – August 1940 (1.\ Republican 2.\ Democrat), BBPresidential Candidate preference at time 1 (1.\ for Willkie 2.\ against Willkie), CCParty preference at time 2 – October 1940, and DDPresidential Candidate preference at time 2. Wendell Willkie was the (defeated) 1940 Republican presidential candidate running against the Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Section 6.3 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009)




A data frame with 266 observations on the following variables.


Party Preference T1T_1 (August 1940): 1 = Democrat; 2 = Republican;


Candidate Preference T1T_1 (August 1940): 1 = for Willkie; 2 = against Willkie;


Party Preference T2T_2 (October 1940): 1 = Democrat; 2 = Republican;


Candidate Preference T2T_2 (October 1940): 1 = for Willkie; 2 = against Willkie;


CBS News and New York Times 2001.


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. Berlin: Springer



European Values Study (EVS): attitude towards women's role in society


European Values Study 1999/2000, Views on Women's Roles.

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 5.1a). Section 5.1.2 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 960 observations on the following variables.


Sex (factor): 1 = Male; 2 = Female.


Date of Birth (ordered): 1 = Before 1945; 2 = 1945-1963; 3 = After 1963.


Level of education (ordered): 1 = Lower; 2 = Intermediate; 3 = Higher.


Religion (ordered): 1 = Religious person; 2 = Not a religious person; 3 = Convinced atheist.


Attitude women's role in society (factor): 1 = Traditional; 2 = Nontraditional.


European Values Study 1999/2000


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.



# Table SAERW
var = c("S", "A", "E", "R", "W");
dim = c(2, 3, 3, 3, 2);

# matrices for table SA
at1 <- MarginalMatrix(var, c("S", "A"), dim);
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("S", "A"), list(c("S"), c("A")), c(2, 3));

# matrices for table SAER
at2 <- MarginalMatrix(var, c("S", "A", "E", "R"), dim);
bt2 <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c("S", "A", "E", "R"), 
                       suffconfigs = list(c("S", "A", "E"), c("S", "R"), c("A", "R")), 
                       dim = c(2, 3, 3, 3));

# matrices for table SAERW: constraints
at3 <- MarginalMatrix(var, c("S", "A", "E", "R", "W"), dim);
bt3 <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c("S", "A", "E", "R", "W"), 
 suffconfigs = list(c("S", "A", "E", "R"), c("S", "W"), c("A", "W"), c("E", "W"), c("R", "W")), 
 dim = c(2, 3, 3, 3, 2))

# matrix for table SAERW: design matrix
x <- DesignMatrix(var = c("S", "A", "E", "R", "W"), 
 suffconfigs = list(c("S", "A", "E", "R"), c("S", "W"), c("A", "W"), c("E", "W"), c("R", "W")), 
 dim = c(2, 3, 3, 3, 2));

# model1: specification using only constraints
at <- rbind(at1, at2, at3);
bt <- DirectSum(bt1, bt2);
bt <- DirectSum(bt, bt3);
model1 <- list(bt, "log", at);

# model2: same as model1 but using both constraints and a design matrix 
# to specify a loglinear model for the joint distribution
at <- rbind(at1, at2);
bt <- DirectSum(bt1, bt2);
model2 <- list(list(bt, "log", at), x);

nkps3 <- MarginalModelFit(EVS, model2, MaxError = 10.^-25,
    MaxSteps = 1000,
    ShowProgress = 10,
    MaxStepSize = .3 );

Political Orientation and Religion in the United States in 1993 (General Social Survey, 1993)


Self-reported Political Orientation (PP), Religion (RR), and Opinion of Teenage Birth-control (BB) of a sample of 911 US citizens in 1993. The data stem from the General Social Survey. The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 2.1, Table 2.3). See Section~2.1 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009). Several worked examples involving this data set are listed below but more can be found at files/GSS93.R




A data frame with 911 observations on the following three variables.


Political orientation (ordered): 1 = Extremely liberal; 2 = Liberal; 3 = Slightly liberal; 4 = Moderate; 5 = Slightly conservative; 6 = Conservative; 6 = Extremely conservative.


Religion (factor): 1 = Protestant; 2 = Catholic; 3 = Other.


Opinion of birth control (ordered): 1 = Strongly agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly disagree;


General Social Survey (1993)


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer

General Social Survey (1993).



## Table 2.1 of Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars (2009)

## Table 2.2 of Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars (2009)
# Specify coefficients
coeff <- list("log",diag(21))
SampleStatistics(dat = GSS93[, 1 : 2],
 coeff = coeff,
 CoefficientDimensions = c(7, 3),
 Labels = c("P","R"), 
 ShowParameters = TRUE, 
 ShowCoefficients = FALSE)

## Table 2.3 of Bergsma, Croon, & Hagenaars (2009)
ftable(B + R ~ P , data = GSS93)

## Models for table PR

#independence of P and R
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R"), list(c("P"), c("R")), c(7,3));
#linear by nominal model
bt2 <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c("P", "R"), 
  suffconfigs = list(c("P", "R")), 
  dim = c(7, 3), 
  SubsetCoding = list(c("P", "R"), c("Linear", "Nominal")))
#linear by nominal model with equality of first two nominal parameters
bt3 <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c("P", "R"), 
 suffconfigs = list(c("P", "R")), 
 dim = c(7, 3), 
 SubsetCoding = list(c("P", "R"), list("Linear", rbind(c(1, 1, 0), c(0, 0, 1)))))
m <- MarginalModelFit(dat = GSS93[,1:2],
 model = list(bt2,"log"), 
 ShowCoefficients = FALSE, 
 ShowProgress = 1, 
 ShowParameters = TRUE, 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(7, 3),
 Labels = c("P", "R"),
 ParameterCoding = list("Polynomial", "Effect"))

## Models for table PRB

#various loglinear models
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R","B"), list(c("P","R"),c("B")), c(7,3,4))
bt2 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R","B"), list(c("P","R"),c("R","B")), c(7,3,4))
bt3 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R","B"), list(c("P","R"),c("P","B")), c(7,3,4))
bt4 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R","B"), list(c("P","R"),c("P","B"),c("R","B")), c(7,3,4))
bt5 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("P", "R","B"), list(c("P","R"),c("P","B"),c("R","B")), c(7,3,4), 
 SubsetCoding = list(list(c("P", "B"), c("Linear", "Linear")), 
                list(c("R", "B"), c("Nominal", "Linear"))))

m <- MarginalModelFit(dat = GSS93,
 model = list(bt2,"log"), 
 ShowCoefficients = FALSE, 
 ShowProgress = 1, 
 ShowParameters = TRUE,
 CoefficientDimensions =c(7, 3, 4),
 Labels = c("P", "R", "B"), 
 ParameterCoding = list("Polynomial", "Polynomial", "Effect"))



Returns the simultaneous specification of two models





list of ‘compatible’ models, i.e., each model is specified using the same number of functions (and matrices)


Models can be of any form allowed in CMM (see MarginalModelFit), eg, list(bt,coeff,at), with the restriction that the number of columns of the at matrices must be equal, and the list of functions in coeff must be identical.


CMM model form


W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

DirectSum, SpecifyCoefficient, MarginalModelFit


# simultaneously specify marginal independence in two marginal tables

bt1 = ConstraintMatrix(c("A","B"),list(c("A"),c("B")),c(3,3))
at1 = MarginalMatrix(c("A","B","C"),c("A","B"),c(3,3,3))
model1 = list(bt1,"log",at1)

bt2 = ConstraintMatrix(c("B","C"),list(c("B"),c("C")),c(3,3))
at2 = MarginalMatrix(c("A","B","C"),c("B","C"),c(3,3,3))
model2 = list(bt2,"log",at2)

model12 = JoinModels(model1,model2)

# the model can be fitted to an artificial data set
n = c(1:27)

Women's labor participation: 1967-1971


The labor participation (yes/no) of 1583 women was measured in five consecutive year, 1967-1971, leading to a 2×2×2×2×22\times 2\times 2\times 2\times 2 table.

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, p. 128).

Section 4.3 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars, 2009




A data frame with 1583 observations on the following variables.


Participated in 1967 (factor): 1 = No; 2 = Yes.


Participated in 1968 (factor): 1 = No; 2 = Yes.


Participated in 1969 (factor): 1 = No; 2 = Yes.


Participated in 1970 (factor): 1 = No; 2 = Yes.


Participated in 1971 (factor): 1 = No; 2 = Yes.


Heckman & Willis (1977).


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.

Heckman, J. J. & Willis, R. J. (1977). A beta-logistic model for the analysis of sequential labor force participation by married women. Journal of Political Economy, 85, 27-58.


n <- c(t(ftable(LaborParticipation)))

#Sample kappa values

#matrix for obtaining transition matrices for consecutive years
at <- MarginalMatrix(var = c("67", "68", "69", "70", "71"),
  marg = list(c("67", "68") ,c("68", "69"), c("69", "70"), c("70", "71")),
  dim = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2))

coeff <- SpecifyCoefficient("CohenKappa", arg = 2, rep = 4);
stats <- SampleStatistics(n, list(coeff,at), ShowParameters = FALSE)

#Fitting models for kappa
#matrix for obtaining transition matrices for consecutive years
at <- MarginalMatrix(var = c("67", "68", "69", "70", "71"),
  marg = list(c("67", "68") ,c("68", "69"), c("69", "70"), c("70", "71")),
  dim = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2))

coeff <- SpecifyCoefficient("CohenKappa", arg = 2, rep = 4);

bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c(1), suffconfigs = c(), dim = c(4)); #equal kappas
bt2 <-  rbind(c(1,-2,1,0), c(0,1,-2,1));  #linear trend for kappas
model <- list(bt1, coeff,at)

m = MarginalModelFit(n, model, ShowParameters = FALSE, ShowProgress = 10)



Returns marginal matrix; i.e., matrix required to obtained marginal frequencies


MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim, SubsetCoding = "Identity", vec = NULL)



character or numeric vector containing variables


list of character or numeric indicating marginals


numeric vector indicating the dimension of var


allows a (character) type or a matrix to be assigned to variables for each element of suffconfigs, see examples and DesignMatrix


Vector containing the observed frequencies of all observed cells and possibly some cells with frequency equal to zero. The rownames of vec must equal the score patterns associated with the cells. vec is typically created using RecordsToFrequencies, and allows maximum empirical maximum likelihood estimation or empirical likelihood estimation of CMMs; two estimation methods that do no require the evaluation of all cells that are useful if the number of score patterns is large.


Gives the matrix which, multiplied by a probability vector, gives the marginal probabilities. The probability vector is assumed to be a vectorized form of the probabilities in a table, such that the last variable changes value fastest, then the before last variable, etc. For example, the cells of a 2×32 \times 3 table are arranged in vector form as (11,12,13,21,22,23). To achieve this, the appropriate way to vectorize a data frame dat is using c(t(ftable(dat))).

Special case of transposed DesignMatrix:

 MarginalMatrix <- function(var,marg,dim,SubsetCoding="Identity")

Allows weighted sums of probabilities using SubsetCoding




W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

Van der Ark, L. A., Bergsma, W. P., & Koopman L. (2023) Maximum augmented empirical likelihood estimation of categorical marginal models for large sparse contingency tables. Paper submitted for publication.

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, DesignMatrix, DirectSum, RecordsToFrequencies, Margins


# Computing marginal frequencies
n <- c(1:6)  #example list of frequencies
var <- c("A","B")
marg <- list(c("A"),c("B"))
dim <- c(2,3)
at <- MarginalMatrix(var,marg,dim)
# list of marginal frequencies:

# identitymatrix: several ways of specifying:
marg <- c("A","B")
MarginalMatrix(var, marg,dim)
MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim,
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A", "B"), list("Identity", "Identity")))
MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim,
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A","B"), list(rbind(c(1,0),c(0,1)), rbind(c(1,0,0),c(0,1,0),c(0,0,1)))))

# omit second category of first variable
at <- MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim,
 SubsetCoding = list(c("A","B"), list(rbind(c(1,0)),"Identity")))

# Example of maximum augmented empirical likelihood (MAEL) estimation 
dat <- acl[, 1:2] + 1                                 # select 2 items from ACL 
var <- 1 : ncol(dat)                                  # define the variables
marg <- Margins(var, c(0, 1))                         # margins are total (0) and 1st order 
dim <- rep(5, length(var))
n.obs <- RecordsToFrequencies(dat, var, dim, "obs")   # frequency vector with observed cells
n.1k  <- RecordsToFrequencies(dat, var, dim, "1k")    # frequency vector with observed and
                                                      # some unobserved cells
at.obs <- MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim, vec = n.obs) # marginal matrix based on n.obs 
at.1k  <- MarginalMatrix(var, marg, dim, vec = n.1k)  # marginal matrix based on n.1k



Fits marginal models, by default using maximum likelihood.


MarginalModelFit(dat, model, ShowSummary = TRUE, MaxSteps = 1000, MaxStepSize = 1, 
    MaxError = 1e-20, StartingPoint = "Automatic", MaxInnerSteps = 2, 
    ShowProgress = TRUE, CoefficientDimensions="Automatic", Labels="Automatic",
    ShowCoefficients = TRUE, ShowParameters = FALSE, ParameterCoding = "Effect",
    ShowCorrelations = FALSE, Method = "ML", Title = "Summary of model fit")



vector of frequencies or data frame


list specified eg as list(bt,coeff,at)


Whether or not to execute summary() of the output


integer: maximum number of steps of the algorithm


number greater than 0 and at most 1: step size


numeric: maximum error term


vector of starting frequencies corresponding to all cells in the manifest table


nonnegative integer: only used for latent variable models, indicates number of steps in M step of EM algorithms


boolean or integer: FALSE for no progress information, TRUE or 1 for information at every step, an integer k for information at every k-th step


numeric vector of dimensions of the table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


list of characters or numbers indicating labels for dimensions of table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


boolean, indicating whether or not the coefficients are to be displayed


boolean, indicating whether or not the parameters (computed from the coefficients) are to be displayed


Coding to be used for parameters, choice of "Effect", "Dummy" and "Polynomial"


boolean, indicating whether or not to show the correlation matrix for the estimated coefficients


character, choice of "ML" for maximum likelihood or "GSK" for the GSK method


title of computation to appear at top of screen output


The data can be a data frame or vector of frequencies. MarginalModelFit converts a data frame dat to a vector of frequencies using c(t(ftable(dat))).

The model specification is fairly flexible. We first describe the most typical way to specify the model. The model itself should typically first be written in the form of a constraint vector as Bθ(Aπ)=0B'\theta(A'\pi) = 0 where B' is a contrast matrix, A' is matrix, normally of zeroes and ones, such that A'pi gives a vector of marginal probabilities, and the function theta yields a list of (marginal) coefficients. The model is then specified as model=list(bt,coeff,at) where bt is the matrix B', at is the matrix A', and coeff represents the vector of coefficients using the generalized exp-log notation. For most of the models in the book, bt can be obtained directly using ConstraintMatrix, coeff can be obtained directly using SpecifyCoefficient, and at can be obtained directly using MarginalMatrix.

Note that CMM does not permit the C and X matrix in the model Cθ(Aπ)=XβC'\theta(A'\pi) = X\beta to be specified for use in the programme. The model has to be rewritten in terms of constraints as above, which is normally straightforward to do with the use of ConstraintMatrix. For many purposes, estimates and standard errors for a beta vector as in the equation above can still be obtained using the optional argument ShowParameters=TRUE.

There are two ways to specify coeff. The first is using the generalized exp-log notation, in which case coeff[[1]] should be a list of matrices, and coeff[[2]] should be a list of predefined functions of the same length. The second is to set coeff equal to a predefined function; for example, marginal loglinear models are obtained by setting coeff="log".

The model can be specified in various other ways: as model=list(coeff,at), model=list(bt,coeff), model=at, or even just model=coeff. Furthermore, the model Bθ(Aπ)=dB'\theta(A'\pi) = d with d a nonzero vector is specified in the form model=list(bt,coeff,at,d).

To specify the simultaneous model Bθ(Aπ)=0logπ=XβB'\theta(A'\pi) = 0\\ \log\pi=X\beta the extended model specification model=list(margmodel,x) should be used, where margmodel has one of the above forms, and x is a design matrix, which can be obtained using DesignMatrix. Fitting is often more efficient by specifying a loglinear model for the joint distribution in this way rather than using constraints.

The default on-screen output when running fit=MarginalModelFit(...) is given by summary(fit). Important here is the distinction between coefficients and parameters, briefly described above. Standard output gives the coefficients. These are that part of model without the bt matrix, eg if the model is list(bt,coeff,at) then the coefficients are list(coeff,at). If other coefficients are needed, ModelStatistics can be used.

Latent variable models can be specified: if the size of the table for which model is specified is a multiple of the the size of the observed frequencies specified in dat, it is assumed this is due to the presence of latent variables. With respect to vectorization, the latent variables are assumed to change their value fastest.

Convergence may not always be achieved with MaxStepSize=1 and a lower value may need to be used, but not too low or convergence is slow. If the step size is too large, a typical error message is "system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.35775e-19"


Most of the following are included in any output. Use summary() to get a summary of output.


Vector of fitted frequencies for the full table (including any latent variables).


Fitting method used (currently maximum likelihood, GSK or minimum discrimination information)


p-value based on asymptotic chi-square approximation for likelihood ratio test statistic


For the “coefficients” in the equation bt.coeff(at.pi)=d, the following statistics are available:


The “parameters” are certain linear combinations of the coefficients. For example, if the coefficients are log probabilities, then the parameters are the usual loglinear parameters.


For the i-th subset of variables, the parameters are obtained by


The following statistics for the parameters belonging to each subset of variable are available.



W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

See Also

SampleStatistics, ModelStatistics


# see also the built-in data sets


# Fit the model asserting Goodman and Kruskal's gamma is zero for
# Child's attitude toward sex role's (NKPS[,3], three categories) and
# parent's attitude toward sex role's (NKPS[,4], three categories).

coeff = SpecifyCoefficient("GoodmanKruskalGamma",c(3,3))
fit = MarginalModelFit(NKPS[,c(3,4)], coeff )

# Marginal homogeneity (MH) in a 3x3 table AB
# Note that MH is equivalent to independence in the 2x3 table of marginals IR, in which 
# the row with I=1 gives the A marginal, and the row with I=2 gives the B marginal 
n <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
at <- MarginalMatrix(c("A","B"),list(c("A"),c("B")),c(3,3))
bt <- ConstraintMatrix(c("I","R"),list(c("I"),c("R")),c(2,3))
model <- list( bt, "log", at)
fit <- MarginalModelFit(n,model)

#Output can be tidied up:
fit <- MarginalModelFit(n,model,CoefficientDimensions=c(2,3))



Provides the required margins for selected variables


Margins(var, k)



vector indicating the variables


vector indicating the required margin: 0 = the total, 1 = first margin, 2 = second margin, etc.


Particularly useful if for a large number of variables the same margins are required. The output can be used as argument for functions MarginalMatrix, DesignMatrix, and ConstraintMatrix




L. A. van der Ark [email protected]

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, MarginalMatrix, RecordsToFrequencies


Margins(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), c(0, 1, 2)) # total, 1st, and 2nd margin for variables 1,.., 5

Marihuana and alcohol use during adolescence, five-wave panel


Panel study with five time points. A group of 269 youths were interviewed at ages 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, and asked (among other things) about their marijuana and alcohol use (Eliot, Huizinga & Menard, 1989). The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, p. 128). 208 observations do not have missing values.

Sections 4.2 and 4.4 in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 269 observations on the following variables.


(factor): 1 = Male; 2 = Female.


Use of marihuana at time 1 (ordered): 1 = Never; 2 = Occasionally; 3 = Frequently.


Use of marihuana at time 2 (ordered): see M1



Use of marihuana at time 3 (ordered): see M1



Use of marihuana at time 4 (ordered): see M1



Use of marihuana at time 5 (ordered): see M1



Use of alcohol at time 1 (ordered): see M1



Use of alcohol at time 2 (ordered): see M1



Use of alcohol at time 3 (ordered): see M1



Use of alcohol at time 4 (ordered): see M1



Use of alcohol at time 5 (ordered): see M1



US National Youth Survey (NYS): teenage marijuana and alcohol use (Elliot, Huizinga and Menard, 1989)


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.

Elliot, D. S., Huizinga, D. & Menard, S. (1989). Multiple problem youth: Delinquency, substance use, and metal health problems. New York: Springer.



# Table MA: marginal loglinear analysis  (BCH Section 4.2.1)
# listwise deletion of missing values and deletion of Gender and Alcohol use
dat <- MarihuanaAlcohol[-row(MarihuanaAlcohol)[],2:6]

# at yields the vectorized 5x3 table MA (marijuana use x age)
at <- MarginalMatrix(var =  c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5"), 
 marg = list(c("M1"), c("M2"), c("M3"), c("M4"), c("M5")), 
 dim = c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3))
obscoeff <- SampleStatistics(dat = dat, 
 coeff = list("log", at), 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(5,3), 
 Labels = c("Age", "M"), 
 ShowCoefficients = FALSE, 
 ShowParameters = TRUE)



If fitted frequencies under a model have been calculated, this procedure can be used to give sample values, fitted values, estimated standard errors, z-scores and adjusted residuals of one or more coefficients.


ModelStatistics(dat, fitfreq, model, coeff, CoefficientDimensions = "Automatic",
    Labels = "Automatic", Method = "ML", ShowCoefficients = TRUE, ShowParameters = FALSE, 
    ParameterCoding = "Effect", ShowCorrelations = FALSE, Title = "")



observed data as a list of frequencies or as a data frame


vector of fitted frequencies for each cell of full table (including latent variables, if any)


list specified eg as list(bt,coeff,at)


list of coefficients, can be obtained using SpecifyCoefficient


numeric vector of dimensions of the table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


list of characters or numbers indicating labels for dimensions of table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


boolean, indicating whether or not the coefficients are to be displayed


boolean, indicating whether or not the parameters (computed from the coefficients) are to be displayed


character, choice of "ML" for maximum likelihood or "GSK" for the GSK method


Coding to be used for parameters, choice of "Effect", "Dummy" and "Polynomial"


boolean, indicating whether or not to show the correlation matrix for the estimated coefficients


title of computation to appear at top of screen output


The data can be a data frame or vector of frequencies. MarginalModelFit converts a data frame dat using c(t(ftable(dat))).

For ParameterCoding, the default for "Dummy" is that the first cell in the table is the reference cell. Cell (i,j,k,...)(i,j,k,...) can be made reference cell using list("Dummy",c(i,j,k,...)). For "Polynomial" the default is to use centralized scores based on equidistant (distance 1) linear scores, for example, if for i=1,2,3,4i=1,2,3,4, μi=α+qiβ+riγ+siδ\mu_i=\alpha+q_i\beta+r_i\gamma+s_i\delta where β\beta is a quadratic, γ\gamma a cubic and δ\delta a quartic effect, then qiq_i takes the values (1.5,.5,.5,1.5)(-1.5,-.5,.5,1.5), rir_i takes the values (1,1,1,1)(1,-1,-1,1) (centralized squares of the qiq_i), and sis_i takes the values (3.375,.125,.125,3.375)(-3.375,-.125,.125,3.375) (cubes of the qiq_i).


A subset of the output of MarginalModelFit.


W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ModelStatistics, MarginalModelFit


# Below an example where ModelStatistics can be used to get output for coefficients 
# not given by MarginalModelFit 

# Marginal homogeneity (MH) in a 3x3 table AB
# Note that MH is equivalent to independence in the 2x3 table of marginals IR, in which the 
# row with I=1 gives the A marginal, and the row with I=2 gives the B marginal 
n <- 1 : 9
at <- MarginalMatrix(c("A", "B"), list(c("A"), c("B")), c(3,3))
bt <- ConstraintMatrix(c("I", "R"), list(c("I"), c("R")), c(2,3))
model <- list( bt, "log", at)

#The "coefficients" for the model are the log marginal probabilities for table IR
fit <- MarginalModelFit(dat = n, model = model, 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3), Labels = c("I", "R"))

#to get output for the marginal probabilities, ModelStatistics can be used as follows
spec <-  SpecifyCoefficient("ConditionalProbabilities",list(c("I","R"),c("I"),c(2,3)))
coeff <- list(spec, at)
stats <- ModelStatistics(dat = n, fitfreq = fit$FittedFrequencies, 
 model = model, coeff = coeff, CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3),
 Labels = c("I", "R"))

Political Orientation in the US, three-wave panel study


Data from the US National Election Studies. Three-wave panel study measuring political orientation on a seven-point scale. The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, 4.4).

Sections 4.2.1 and 4.3 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 408 observations on the following variables.


Political orientation at time 1 (ordered): 1 = Extremely liberal 2 = Liberal 3 = Slightly liberal" 4 = Moderate 5 = Slightly conservative 6 = Conservative 7 = Extremely conservative


Political orientation at time 2 (ordered): see T1


Political orientation at time 3 (ordered): see T1


US National Election Studies.


Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009).Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data.New York: Springer.

Examples in book: files/NES.R



# Models for marginal homogeneity over time (Section 4.2.1)

# Marginal homogeneity : no change in political orientation over time

at <- MarginalMatrix(c("T1", "T2", "T3"), list(c("T1"), c("T2"), c("T3")), c(7,7,7));
bt1 <- ConstraintMatrix(c("T", "P"), list(c("T"), c("P")), c(3, 7));

model1 <- list(bt1, "identity", at);

start <- c(t(ftable(NES))) + .001;
pihat <- MarginalModelFit(NES, model1,
    MaxSteps = 1000, StartingPoint = start,
    ShowProgress = 100, MaxError = 1e-28,
    CoefficientDimensions = c(3,7), ShowCoefficients = TRUE,
    ShowParameters = FALSE, Labels = c("T", "P"));

Attitudes on sex roles and marriage, measurements clustered in families


Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS), Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS), a unique in-depth large-scale study into (changing) kinship relationships covering a large number of life domains (Dykstra et al., 2004).

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Table 2.8, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12). In Sections 5.1 and 6.4.2 more variables of the same data set are used, and these have only 1797 observations with no missing values; this set is available as NKPS2.

Sections 2.2.3, 3.2, 5.1, 6.4.2 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009)




A data frame with 1884 observations on the following variables.


Child's Gender (factor): 1 = Son 2 = Daughter


Parent's Gender (factor): 1 = Father 2 = Mother


Child's sex role attitude (ordered): 1 = Nontrad. 2 = Mod. trad. 3 = Trad.


Parent's sex role attitude (ordered): 1 = Nontrad. 2 = Mod. trad. 3 = Trad.


Child's marriage attitude (ordered): 1 = Nontrad. 2 = Mod. trad. 3 = Trad.


Parent's marriage attitude (ordered): 1 = Nontrad. 2 = Mod. trad. 3 = Trad.


Dykstra, et al. (2004)


Examples in book:

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.

Dykstra, P. A. Kalmijn, M., Knijn, T. C. M., Komter, A. E., Liefboer, A. C., & Mulder, C. H. (2004). Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: A multi-actor, multi-method, panel study on solidarity, in family relationships. Wave 1 (Tech. Rep. No. NKPS Working Paper 1). The Hague, The Netherlands: NICI.



# Chapter 2

# Table 2.8
Table.2.8 <- array(NA,c(4,4,4)); k <- 0
for (i in levels(P)) for (j in levels(C)){
  k <- k+1
  Table.2.8[,,k] <- addmargins(t(table(NKPS[,c(3,4)] [C==j & P==i,])))
dimnames(Table.2.8) <- list(c(levels(PS),"Total"),c(levels(CS),"Total"),

# Table 2.9
Table.2.9 <- cbind(table(PS),table(CS),table(c(CS[C=="Son"],PS[P=="Father"])),
dimnames(Table.2.9)[[2]] <- c("Parent","Child","Men","Women")

# Table 2.10

# Table 2.11

# Data
recAB = NKPS[,c(3,4)]
recPCAB = NKPS[,c(1,2,3,4)]
recA1A2B1B2 = NKPS[,c(3,4,5,6)]

# list of frequencies in table AB
nAB = c(t(ftable(recAB)))

# table AB and GT
# at produces marginal distributions of A and B, or the 2x3 table GT; 
# G = generation and T = attititude
at <- MarginalMatrix(c("A", "B"), list(c("A"), c("B")), c(3, 3));
bt <- ConstraintMatrix(c("G", "T"), list(c("G"), c("T")), c(2, 3));

model1 <- list(bt, "log", at);

nkps1 <- MarginalModelFit(dat = recAB, model = model1, ShowParameters = TRUE, 
 Labels = list(list("G", c("men", "women")), "T"), 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(2, 3), ShowProgress = 10)



Converts Records (units x variables) into a frequency vector.


RecordsToFrequencies(dat, var = varDefault, dim = dimDefault, augment = "all", 
                            seed = FALSE)



matrix or dataframe containing the scores of units (rows) on categorical variables (columns)


character or numeric vector containing variables. By default, all variables are selected.


numeric vector indicating the dimension of var. By default, the dimensions of each variable are derived from dat


augmentation: determines the type of frequency vector. Select one of four options: "all" frequency vector contains all cells, "obs" frequency vector contains only observed cells (cells with at least one observation), "1k" frequency vector contains observed cells plus a selection of unobserved cells (see Van der Ark et al., 2023, for details), "2k" frequency vector contains observed cells plus a wider selection of unobserved cells (see Van der Ark et al., 2023).


integer. As aug options "1k" and "2k" have a random components, a setting a will allow an exact replication of a CMM analysis when option "1k" or "2k" is used.




W. P. Bergsma [email protected] and L. A. van der Ark [email protected]


Van der Ark, L. A., Bergsma, W. P., & Koopman L. (2023) Maximum augmented empirical likelihood estimation of categorical marginal models for large sparse contingency tables. Paper submitted for publication.

See Also



dat <- acl[, 1:2] + 1                                 # select 2 items from ACL 
var <- 1 : ncol(dat)                                  # define the variables
marg <- Margins(var, c(0, 1))                         # margins are total (0) and 1st order 
dim <- rep(5, length(var))
t(RecordsToFrequencies(dat, var, dim, "obs"))         # frequency vector with observed cells
t(RecordsToFrequencies(dat, var, dim, "1k"))          # frequency vector with observed and



Gives sample values, standard errors and z-scores of one or more coefficients. SampleStatistics(dat,coeff) gives exactly the same output as ModelStatistics(dat,dat,"SaturatedModel",coeff).


SampleStatistics(dat, coeff, CoefficientDimensions = "Automatic", 
 Labels = "Automatic", ShowCoefficients = TRUE, ParameterCoding = "Effect", 
 ShowParameters = FALSE, ShowCorrelations = FALSE, Title = "", ShowSummary = TRUE)



observed data as a list of frequencies or as a data frame


list of coefficients, can be obtained using SpecifyCoefficient, or a predefined function such as "log"


numeric vector of dimensions of the table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


list of characters or numbers indicating labels for dimensions of table in which the coefficient vector is to be arranged


boolean, indicating whether or not the coefficients are to be displayed


boolean, indicating whether or not the parameters (computed from the coefficients) are to be displayed


Coding to be used for parameters, choice of "Effect", "Dummy" and "Polynomial"


boolean, indicating whether or not to show the correlation matrix for the estimated coefficients


Title of computation to appear at top of screen output


Show summary on the screen


The data can be a data frame or vector of frequencies. MarginalModelFit converts a data frame dat using c(t(ftable(dat))).

For ParameterCoding, the default for "Dummy" is that the first cell in the table is the reference cell. Cell (i,j,k,...)(i,j,k,...) can be made reference cell using list("Dummy",c(i,j,k,...)). For "Polynomial" the default is to use centralized scores based on equidistant (distance 1) linear scores, for example, if for i=1,2,3,4i=1,2,3,4,


where β\beta is a quadratic, γ\gamma a cubic and δ\delta a quartic effect, then qiq_i takes the values (1.5,.5,.5,1.5)(-1.5,-.5,.5,1.5), rir_i takes the values (1,1,1,1)(1,-1,-1,1) (centralized squares of the qiq_i), and sis_i takes the values (3.375,.125,.125,3.375)(-3.375,-.125,.125,3.375) (cubes of the qiq_i).


A subset of the output of MarginalModelFit.


W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ModelStatistics, MarginalModelFit


## Not run: 

## Table 2.6 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009). Loglinear parameters for marginal table IS
## We provide two to obtain the parameters

dat   <- BodySatisfaction[,2:8]        # omit first column corresponding to gender

# matrix producing 1-way marginals, ie the 7x5 table IS
at75 <- MarginalMatrix(var = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), 
 marg = list(c(1),c(2),c(3), c(4),c(5),c(6),c(7)), dim = c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5))

# First method: the "coefficients" are the log-probabilities, from which all the 
# (loglinear) parameters are calculated
stats <- SampleStatistics(dat = dat, coeff = list("log",at75), CoefficientDimensions = c(7, 5),
 Labels = c("I", "S"), ShowCoefficients = FALSE, ShowParameters = TRUE)

# Second method: the "coefficients" are explicitly specified as being the 
# (highest-order) loglinear parameters
loglinpar75 <- SpecifyCoefficient("LoglinearParameters", c(7, 5))
stats <- SampleStatistics(dat = dat, coeff = list(loglinpar75, at75), 
 CoefficientDimensions = c(7,5), Labels = c("I","S"))

## End(Not run)

Smoking cessation after experimental intervention


Data from an experiment designed for the investigation of the effectiveness of a particular expert system intervention to convince people to quit smoking. N=4,144N = 4,144 subjects were randomly assigned to either the control (assessment only) or the experimental condition (TTM intervention). Information was collected on their smoking habits and their attitudes towards smoking at the start of the study, at the sixth, twelfth, eighteenth, and twenty-fourth month. For more detailed information see Bergsma et al. (2009) and Prochaska et al. (2001).

The data are tabulated in Bergsma, Croon, and Hagenaars (2009, Tables 5.11 to 5.14).

Section 5.2.3 in Bergsma, Croon and Hagenaars (2009).




A data frame with 4144 observations on the following variables.


(factor): 1 = TTM intervention; 2 = Assessment only.


Behavior at beginning (ordered): 1 = Precontemplation; 2 = Contemplation; 3 = Preparation; 4 = Action; 5 = Maintenance.


Behavior after 6 months (ordered): see smst00


Behavior after 12 months (ordered): see smst00


Behavior after 18 months (ordered): see smst00


Behavior after 24 months (ordered): see smst00


Cancer Prevention Research Center, Univisity of Rhode Island, US. See Prochaska, Velicer, Fave, Rossi & Tosh (2001).


Examples in book:

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudinal categorical data. New York: Springer.

Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. F., Fava, J. L. Rossi, J. S., & Tosh, J. Y. (2001). Evaluating a population-based recruitment approach and a stage-based expert system intervention for smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors, 26, 583-602.


# Read data

## Not run: 

dat <- Smoking

# Table TXBR
# matrix producing 4x2x3x6 table TXBR

atTXBR <- MarginalMatrix(var = c("X", "B", "R1", "R2", "R3", "R4"), 
 marg = list(c("X", "B", "R1"), c("X", "B", "R2"), c("X", "B", "R3"), c("X", "B", "R4")), 
 dim = c(2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5))
bt  <- ConstraintMatrix(var = c("T", "X", "B", "R"), suffconfigs = list(c("T", "X", "B"), c("R")), 
 dim = c(4, 2, 3, 5))
model = list(bt, "log", atTXBR)

fit = MarginalModelFit(dat = dat, model = model, MaxStepSize = .3, MaxSteps = 100, 
 ShowProgress = 5)

## End(Not run)



Gives the generalized exp-log specification for various coefficients


SpecifyCoefficient(name, arg = NULL, rep = 1, data = NULL)



character: name of desired coefficient


an argument specific to the coefficient, e.g., a vector of scores or number of rows and colums.


data set. Necessary for MEL estimation


number of repetitions of the coefficient


Currently the following coefficients are implemented:

 SpecifyCoefficient("Mean",arg = scores)
 SpecifyCoefficient("Variance", arg = scores)
 SpecifyCoefficient("StandardDeviation", arg = scores)
 SpecifyCoefficient("GiniMeanDifference", arg = scores)
 SpecifyCoefficient("Entropy", arg = k)
 SpecifyCoefficient("DiversityIndex", arg = k)
 SpecifyCoefficient("Covariance",arg = list(xscores,yscores))
 SpecifyCoefficient("Correlation",arg = list(xscores,yscores))
 SpecifyCoefficient("KendallTau",arg = list(r,c))
 SpecifyCoefficient("GoodmanKruskalGammma",arg = list(r,c))
 SpecifyCoefficient("CronbachAlpha",arg = list(items,item.scores), data = X) 
 SpecifyCoefficient("DifferenceInProportions",arg = m)
 SpecifyCoefficient("LoglinearParameters",arg = dim)
 SpecifyCoefficient("Probabilities",arg = dim)
 SpecifyCoefficient("LogProbabilities",arg = dim)
 SpecifyCoefficient("ConditionalProbabilities",arg = list(var,condvar,dim))
 SpecifyCoefficient("AllMokkenHj", arg = list(items,item.scores), data = X)
 SpecifyCoefficient("MokkenH", arg = list(items,item.scores), data = X)
 SpecifyCoefficient("OrdinalLocation-A", arg = arg)
 SpecifyCoefficient("OrdinalLocation-L", arg = arg)
 SpecifyCoefficient("OrdinalDispersion-A", arg = arg)
 SpecifyCoefficient("OrdinalDispersion-L", arg = arg)

Here, scores is a score vector, e.g., c(1,2,3,4,5); k is the number of cells in a table; r is the number of rows and columns of a square table; dim is the dimension of the table; items are the columns in the data matrix that should be used for compuing the statistic; item.scores is the number of item scores (e.g., 2 for dichotomous items, or 5 for Likert items); X is the NxJ data matrix. "LoglinearParameters" gives the highest order loglinear parameters (loglinear parameters can also be obtained as output of SampleStatistics, ModelStatistics or MarginalModelFit by setting ShowParameters=TRUE and the coefficients equal to log probabilities.


output is of the form list(matlist,funlist) where matlist is a list of matrices and funlist is a list of function names, which can currently be "log", "exp", "identity", "xlogx" (i.e., f(x)=xlog(x)f(x)=x\log(x)), "xbarx" (i.e., f(x)=x(1x)f(x)=x(1-x)), "sqrt"


W. P. Bergsma [email protected]


Bergsma, W. P. (1997). Marginal models for categorical data. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Press.

Bergsma, W. P., Croon, M. A., & Hagenaars, J. A. P. (2009). Marginal models for dependent, clustered, and longitudunal categorical data. Berlin: Springer.

See Also

ConstraintMatrix, DesignMatrix, MarginalMatrix


SpecifyCoefficient("Mean",arg = c(1,2,3))
   SpecifyCoefficient("Variance",arg = c(1,2,3))
   SpecifyCoefficient("StandardDeviation",arg = c(1,2,3))
   SpecifyCoefficient("GiniMeanDifference",arg = c(1,2,3))
   SpecifyCoefficient("Entropy",arg = 5)
   SpecifyCoefficient("DiversityIndex",arg = 5)
   SpecifyCoefficient("Covariance",arg = list(c(1,2,3),c(1,2,3)))
   SpecifyCoefficient("Correlation",arg = list(c(1,2,3),c(1,2,3)))
   SpecifyCoefficient("KendallTau",arg = list(3,4))
   SpecifyCoefficient("GoodmanKruskalGammma",arg = list(3,4))
   SpecifyCoefficient("CohenKappa",arg = 3)
   SpecifyCoefficient("DifferenceInProportions",arg = 1)
   SpecifyCoefficient("LogOddsRatio",arg = 1)
   SpecifyCoefficient("LoglinearParameters",arg = c(3,3))
   SpecifyCoefficient("Probabilities",arg = 8)
   SpecifyCoefficient("LogProbabilities",arg = 8)
   # conditional probabilities for 3x3 table, conditioning on first variable
   SpecifyCoefficient("ConditionalProbabilities",arg = list(c(1,2),c(1),c(3,3)))

Testing Cronbach's alpha using marginal models


Data set TestCronbachAlpha is a simulated data set that is used to demonstrate the statistical testing of three relevant hypotheses involving Cronbach's alpha: H01: alpha equals a particular criterion; H02: testing the equality of two alpha coefficients for independent samples; and H03: testing the equality of two alpha coefficients for dependent samples.

This R document file may be regarded as an appendix to Kuijpers, Van der Ark, and Croon (2012) who discussed this topic. Hence, all references to equations pertain to this paper. The Details section describes the required objects for testing the three hypotheses. The Examples section describes the actual code required for for testing the three hypotheses.




A 400 by 21 matrix, representing the dichotomous item scores of 400 respondents from two groups for two tests. The first column is the grouping variable: Group 1 and Group 2 each consist of 200 observations. Columns 2-11 are the items score of Test 1. Columns 12-21 are the item scores of Test 2. So each test includes J = 10 items having K = 2 item scores. Note that in Kuijpers et al. (2012), k is used rather than K; k = K - 1. Data files ⁠TestCronbachAlphaH1 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1:200,2:11]⁠ ⁠TestCronbachAlphaH2 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1:400,1:11]⁠ and ⁠TestCronbachAlphaH3 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1:200,2:21]⁠ will be used to test hypotheses H01, H02, and H03, respectively.


Vector m is estimated under the general categorical marginal model g(m) = d. Objects coeff, bt, and at define function g(m).

coeff Includes the design matrices and functions (i.e., exp and log) of the coefficients of interest.
Function SpecifyCoefficient returns the design matrices and functions of several prespecified coefficients, including Cronbach's alpha.
The argument arg in SpecifyCoefficient specifies for which of the J marginals Cronbach's alpha should be computed, and it specifies the number of response categories K.
Furthermore, the argument data in SpecifyCoefficient specifies for which data set Cronbach's alpha should be computed (for example for data set mydata).
For hypothesis H01, which involves only one Cronbach's alpha, coeff is obtained by
⁠coeff = SpecifyCoefficient(name = "CronbachAlpha", arg = list(list(1 : J), K), data = mydata)⁠
For H01, object coeff includes the design matrices and functions in Equation 10.
For hypothesis H02, which involves two alpha coefficients derived from two independent samples, coeff is obtained by
⁠coeff = SpecifyCoefficient(name = "CronbachAlpha", arg = list(list(2 : (J + 1), 2 : (J + 1)), c(K, K), 1), data = mydata, )⁠
For H02, coeff now includes the design matrices and functions in Equation 19.
For hypothesis H03, which involves two dependent alpha coefficients, coeff is obtained by
⁠coeff = SpecifyCoefficient(name="CronbachAlpha", arg=list(list(test1, test2),c(K,K)), data=mydata,)⁠
For H03, object coeff includes the design matrices and functions in Equation 23.
bt Is called the constraint matrix and relates the coefficients defined in coeff. Hypothesis H01 pertains to one Cronbach's alpha, so bt is the scalar 1. For hypotheses H02 and H03 bt equals design matrix A6.
at Is called the marginal matrix. The marginal matrix was not specified for hypotheses H01 and H02, which is equivalent to including the identity matrix as the marginal matrix in Equations 10 (H01) and 18 (H02). Hence at = I.
For hypotheses H03 the marginal matrix is equal to design matrix A_0 (p. 16). Function MarginalMatrix constructs the marginal matrix.
d Vector d in Equation 9.

Function MarginalModelFit estimates the categorical marginal model (CMM), and requires the following arguments: the vector of observed frequencies, n, and model specifications in coeff, bt, at, and d.

In the example for testing hypothesis H01, data set TestCronbachAlphaH1 was used, which contained the 200 item-score vectors from the first group, for the first test. For this data set, Cronbach's alpha is equal to 0.793. If a researcher wants to test whether this value is significantly above .75, the software code for the first example in the paragraph Examples can be used (see below). First, the R package cmm needs to be invoked. Second, vector n, the number of items J, the number of categories K, and criterion c in hypothesis H01 have to be defined. The fit of this marginal model is evaluated by G^2, with D = 1 degree of freedom. In general, G^2 pertains to a two-sided test. However, here H01 is a one-sided hypothesis, the value of G^2 at the 2 alpha level is used. For alpha = 0.05, H01 must be rejected if G^2 > 2.71 (i.e., p = .10) and r_alpha > c. The results of the analysis show that G^2 = 3.301 with p = 0.069, so for this example we can conclude that the alpha of this data set (i.e., r_alpha = 0.793) is significantly above .75.

For testing hypothesis H02, data set TestCronbachAlphaH2 was used, which contained the item-score vectors from the two independent groups for the first test, and an additional variable indicating group membership. For this data set, Cronbach's alpha for the first independent group is equal to 0.793, for the second independent group alpha is equal to 0.737. To test whether the alphas of the two independent groups are equal, the software code for the second example in the paragraph Examples can be used (see below). Note that the first item indicates group membership. Hence, for J items, vector n is based on J+1 patterns. G^2 is used to assess the fit of this marginal model with D = 1 degree of freedom, so H02 must be rejected if G^2 > 3.84 (i.e., alpha = .05). The results of the analysis show that G^2 = 2.774 with p = 0.096, so for this example we can conclude that the alphas of the two independent samples (i.e., r_alpha_g1 = 0.793 and r_alpha_g1 = 0.737) are equal.

For hypothesis H03, data set TestCronbachAlphaH3 was used, which contained the 200 item-score vectors from the first group for the two tests. The data of each test forms one dependent group. For this data set, Cronbach's alpha for the first dependent group is equal to 0.793, for the second dependent group alpha is equal to 0.696. For H03, the marginal matrix is not implemented in the package as a code yet, so it has to be computed ad hoc. To test whether the alphas of the two dependent groups are equal, the software code for the third example in the paragraph Examples can be used (see below). G^2 is used to assess the fit of this marginal model with D = 1 degree of freedom. The results of the analysis show that G^2 = 9.898 with p = 0.002. Using alpha = .05, we can conclude that the alphas of the two dependent samples (i.e., r_alpha_t1 = 0.793 and r_alpha_t1 = 0.696) are not equal to each other.


Renske E. Kuijpers, L. Andries van der Ark


Kuijpers, R. E., Van der Ark, L. A., & Croon, M. A. (2012). Testing hypotheses involving Cronbach's alpha using marginal models. Manuscript submitted for publication.

See Also

cmm, SpecifyCoefficient, MarginalMatrix,



#Example 1: Testing H01.
  # Invoke cmm

  # Data
  TestCronbachAlphaH1 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1 : 200, 2 : 11]
  # Transform data into vector of frequencies n
  n <- as.matrix(table(apply(TestCronbachAlphaH1, 1, paste, collapse = "")))

  # Specify number of items
  J <- 10 
  # Specify number of item scores
  K <- 2 
  # Specify criterion for Hypothesis H01
  criterion <- .75

  # Compute object coeff
  coeff <- SpecifyCoefficient(name = "CronbachAlpha", arg = list(list(1 : J), K),
    data = TestCronbachAlphaH1)

  # Compute object at (marginal matrix)
  L <- ncol(coeff[[1]][[5]])
  at <- diag(L)

  # Compute object bt (constraint matrix)
  bt <- matrix(1)
  # Compute object d
  d <- criterion

  # Compute CMM
  model <- list(bt, coeff, at, d)
  fit <- MarginalModelFit(n, model, MaxError = 1e-04)

#Example 2: Testing H02.
  # Data
  TestCronbachAlphaH2 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1 : 400, 1 : 11]
  # Transform data into vector of frequencies n
  n <- as.matrix(table(apply(TestCronbachAlphaH2, 1, paste, collapse = "")))

  # Specify number of items
  J <- 10

  # Specify number of item scores
  K <- 2
  # Compute object coeff
  coeff <- SpecifyCoefficient(name = "CronbachAlpha", arg = list(list(2 : (J + 1),
    2 : (J + 1)), c(K, K), 1), data = TestCronbachAlphaH2,)

  # Compute object at (marginal matrix)
  L <- ncol(coeff[[1]][[5]])
  at <- diag(L)

  # Compute object bt (constraint matrix)
  bt <- matrix(c(1,-1),1,2)

  # Compute object d
  d <- rep(0,nrow(bt))

  # Compute CMM
  model <- list(bt,coeff,at,d)
  fit <- MarginalModelFit(n, model, MaxError = 1e-04)
#Example 3: Testing H03.
  # Data
  TestCronbachAlphaH3 <- TestCronbachAlpha[1 : 200, 2 : 21]

  # Transform data into vector of frequencies n
  n <- as.matrix(table(apply(TestCronbachAlphaH3, 1, paste, collapse = "")))

  # Specify number of items
  J <- 20

  # Specify number of item scores
  K <- 2
  # Specify which items belong to which test
  test1 <-  1 : 10
  test2 <- 11 : 20
  # Compute object coeff
  coeff <- SpecifyCoefficient(name = "CronbachAlpha", arg = list(list(test1,
     test2), c(K, K)), data = TestCronbachAlphaH3,)

  # Compute object at (marginal matrix)
  x <- dimnames(n)[[1]]
  p1 <- sort(unique(substr(x, test1[1] ,test1[length(test1)])))
  p2 <- sort(unique(substr(x, test2[1] ,test2[length(test2)])))
  U1 <- matrix(NA, length(p1), length(x))
  for (h1 in 1 : length(p1))
  U1[h1, ] <- as.numeric(substr(x, test1[1], test1[length(test1)]) == p1[h1])
  U2 <- matrix(NA, length(p2), length(x))
  for (h2 in 1 : length(p2))
  U2[h2, ] <- as.numeric(substr(x, test2[1], test2[length(test2)]) == p2[h2])
  at <- rbind(U1, U2)

  # Compute object bt (constraint matrix)
  bt <- matrix(c(1, -1), 1, 2)

  # Compute object d
  d <- rep(0, nrow(bt))

  # Compute CMM
  model <- list(bt, coeff, at, d)
  fit <- MarginalModelFit(n, model, MaxError = 1e-04)